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프로틴바 Smart Life - Top Quality Cinnamon Pecan Low Sugar Rice Crispy Texture,팩 12 Protein Bars 21.12 oz.

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 P1580905998
배송비결제 주문시 결제

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    ENERGY BOOSTER This Low Sugar Protein Bar is essential for sustaining energy to keep you going all day long. As your body digests protein slowly, it provides the body with a continuous energy supply while it’s digesting. STABILIZE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL These Protein Bars are well-known for the anti-diabetic effects, which is why it’s regarded as one of the best foods for diabetics. Helps minimize blood sugar levels and improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin, this aids transport sugar from the bloodstream to the tissues to keep blood sugar levels balanced. IMPROVE DIGESTION Our product will help improve your digestion level. Can promote colon health and facilitate regular bowel movements. Helps prevent constipation and minimize the risk of hemorrhoids and colitis by cleaning out the gastrointestinal system. BOOST IMMUNITY Pecans are a rich source of manganese which is a powerful antioxidant and vital for nerve conduction as well as brain function. This trace mineral protects your

    Flavor Name = Caramel Almond

    Flavor Name = Choco Chrisp

    Flavor Name = Cinnamon Pecan

    Flavor Name = Lemon

    Flavor Name = Peanut Butter

    Flavor Name = Smores

    Flavor Name = Strawberry

    Flavor Name = variety pack

라이프캔디 정보



월-금 am 9:00 - pm 05:00
점심시간 : am 12:00 - pm 01:00
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